East Sussex

Our LiftTraining East Sussex team delivers bespoke 1-to-1 free Independent Travel Training (ITT) to people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Our friendly East Sussex travel training team

Our LiftTraining East Sussex team delivers bespoke 1-to-1 free Independent Travel Training (ITT). People with special educational needs and disabilities attending school or post 16 education from 10 – 21 years old can use the service. We have delivered this for 10 years in East Sussex and now offer a fuller range of services including classroom courses or home-based courses for support to parents/carers to deliver their own training as well as our 1-to-1 courses.

We’ll help you to develop the skills and confidence to travel to school and college on your own using public transport.

All you need to know about LiftTraining East Sussex

We tailor the free training for your journey from home to school or college. So whether you travel by bus or train, we will support you every step of the way.

Training sessions are always one-to-one. Because of this, your needs determine the length of the course. You will gain independence over several weeks. We track the training before agreeing the next steps with you and your family

You will only move on through the travel training programme when everyone feels you are ready to do so. So, on the final journeys the trainer will follow without any contact unless needed.

Find out more and sign up with LiftTraining East Sussex

Email us at liftenquiry@nationalstar.org or complete the LiftTraining East Sussex Referral Form.

Alternatively, you can join our group on facebook to speak to our team, find out the latest information, travel tips and more.