Student Union

Our Student Union represents the voices of all students at National Star and helps to make sure that college is a great place to live and learn.

Meet the 2024/25 Student Union Representatives

  • Jak – SU President and Student Governor
  • Sophie – Vice President
  • Jack
  • Misha
  • Laith
  • Ella
  • Jack
  • Gemma
  • Dan
  • Harry

Dan C

Dan smiling in the accessible kitchen

“I am kind, friendly and confident. I would like to join the SU to connect with other people and for my voice to be heard.”

Ella R

Ella smiling in a physio session with a member of the physio team

“I like helping people with their problems and I am a good listener. I am kind, funny and love to laugh. I have already been helping with speaking up for students who find it hard to speak.”

Gemma C

“I am funny, kind and generous. I like to help other people and would like to be an executive member of the SU because I am fit and I can help students with physio activities.”

Harry B

Harry B

“I want to be in the Student Union because I want students to be heard. I care about people, and I am kind and funny.”

Jack B

Jack performing a dance

“I would like to be a member to be able to help people. I am very caring, I like to listen to other students and making new friends.”

Jack S

“I enjoyed the student rep meetings. I would like to try being part of the SU and would speak up. I am kind and think about other people.”

Jak R

Jak smiling at the Leavers Ceremony alongside COO Simon Welch

“I want to be a member of the Student Union because I want to help all students to be successful in college.”

Laith R

Laith sitting in his wheelchair smiling with the National Star campus in the background

“I believe college should be about education but also a chance to have the best possible time of your life. I am a strong believer in student voice and empowering students to speak for themselves. I will promote student experience and create an environment that is inclusive but also fun.”

Misha M

“I am a good listener and want to contribute to college and help other students.”

Sophie S

Sophie smiling holding up a plate of food in StarBistro

“I want to make a difference for the students so they can have their say. I am helpful and listen to students if they have any issues or questions they need answered.”

How the Student Union works

Our Student Union represents the voices of all students at National Star and helps to make sure that college is a great place to live and learn.

The Student Union meet weekly acting as a channel of communication between learners, National Star and other organisations.

Student Union executive members have many roles. For example, Health and Safety Officer, Quality Assurance Officer, Safeguarding Officer and Events Officer.

As well as the Student Union there are a number of student-led committees that talk about things such as disability awareness, sustainability and environmental issues, college food and drink and student accommodation and residences.